TEEAS Proceedings
PPEIT Proceeding
Volume 1, Pages 1-28
International Conference on
Telecommunication, Engineering, Energy, Applied Sciences & Smart Materials
December 14-15, 2019 Singapore
Edited by Dr. Ahmed Saddam
Track: Business Management & Economic Studies
Are Leaders in Thailand Prepared for Thailand 4.0?
Pages 1-10
Dr. Klaudia Schmidt
JRU Finance Students’ Skills and Competencies Training: The Bloomberg Experience
Pages 11-15
Prof. Jayson Lannu, Leodigario David, Gloria Reyes
As this is a pioneering certification program offered to finance students, this study served as a preliminary assessment on the experiences of students given modules in equities, foreign exchange, fix-income and bonds, and portfolio management. Students assessed the significance and relevance of these modules to their professions in the future and making them equipped with the necessary skills and technical know-hows that would lead to sound financial decision-making. The results of the study provided a positive validation of the University’s partnership with Bloomberg as students acknowledged the relevance of the certification program to their professions as they plan to venture into capital market trading. The modules provided necessary skills in decision-making with the utilization and navigation of a financial tool software that allowed them to maximize data and provide accurate forecasts. Given the favorable results of the study, it is to best interest of students and the University to continuously offer the certification program not just to finance students but also students under the Business Administration program and other professionals who seek to acquire new knowledge and improve their securities trading competencies.
Track: Social Sciences and Humanities
Language Metaphor and Pattern of Though used by Nouman Ali Khan Speech of Quran Interpretation
Pages 16-21
Tisa Arum Wardani
Track: Engineering and Technology
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in a Bifurcated Microchannel Network
Pages 22-28
E. E. Ugama, A. A. Dare